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Malcolm X Children’s Library (Elementary)

The Mission of the Malcolm X Children’s Library (MXCL) aims to encourage students to:

Read in the name of our Lord

Read to seek truth and beauty

Read to transform ourselves

Read to learn and succeed

The MXCL strives to create a space wherein children can explore their world through reading. Students are guided to seek truth and beauty and to be agents of a more just and humane world. The MXCL aims to impart a life-long love of reading and a spirit to continually pursue knowledge. The MXCL houses the elementary print and audiovisual collections, which can be accessed at

The MXCL participates in three state reading award programs and hosts a variety of programs. Signature programs include The Storybook Parade, The Biography Parade, The Great MXCL Cook Off, Family Reading Night, Malcolm X Week, Read Across America, Book Clubs, Book Fairs and Author Visits. Guest speakers have been a cornerstone of the library’s special programming

The Children’s library at Islamic Foundation School pays homage to the great American social thinker, human activist, and slain Muslim leader Malcolm X. By the Grace of God and by his insatiable desire to learn, Malcolm transformed his life through reading. Malcolm triumph over a life of hardship and loss reminds us all of the power of knowledge acquired to please the Creator and to benefit humanity.

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Shala Khan

School Librarian